With optimal feeding and keeping, Holstein Friesian is the most highly productive and cost-effective breed. It adapts well to any climatic conditions, easily manageable in large groups and it has the best exterior from the perspective of dairy productivity. Having the highest milk productivity among all livestock breeds, the Holstein Friesian breed is sensitive, it has high requirements for feeding, keeping technology, and the hygiene of the milking process. When cows are culled for meat, as well as in the case of bulls, the meat productivity of this breed is not too high.
The breed typically has black and white or red and white markings. Their distinctive color pattern makes them easily recognizable. While productive, they often have a shorter lifespan compared to some other dairy breeds due to the high demands of milk production.
The shape of the udder absolutely corresponds to the requirements of high-tech milking parlours. The whole constitution of the animal serves one purpose: the achievement of the highest milk productivity.
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The Holstein Friesian originally was bred in Holland on the basis of the North German cattle breed. The Holstein Friesian breed began to explore the world about one and a half century ago, spreading across countries and continents. Perfection of the breed through the modern techniques of reproductive qualities, which the breed possesses, made it one the most attractive breed around the world.
European Holstein Friesian cattle received a well-deserved recognition all over the world. It features a large annual milk yield with a high content of fat and protein, it is one of the most productive breeds in Europe, with about 3-5 lactations in lifetime.
Whereas American Holstein cattle is unique due to its homogeneity and uniform microflora, as it is grown from young animals in a single large herd with high breeding value and productivity, has excellent stability and adaptability. The supply of American livestock is optimal for the provision of newly built mega farms, capable of simultaneously accepting large lots of livestock.